Check out the Ibexx Drift mod. It has come to our attention that lot of Can-Am Maverick x3s have alignment issues. Rather than coming up with something that you have to shim we have taken and made it much more simple. Coming from the snowmobile world we used the same technology that has been around for 25 years and applied it to the UTV market. The drift mod does a number of different things for the average user (See Below). This drift mod does not work like a Float Mod. You simply bolt it on and enjoy! You have the option to upgrade the rollers. Simply click on whatever you want to add and fill the form out. Or if you only want the Drift mod we can do that also.
NOTE: Right now you will have to send your secondary in. We are working on getting cores in so that the customer has less turnaround time.
Please place a copy of your receipt inside the box after completing the purchase so that we know you want the “Drift Mod”.
Please Ship the secondary clutch to:
Attention Alex
3161 Center Pleasant Valley Rd.
American Falls, Idaho 83211
Typical turnaround time will be 1-2 days.
The Drift mod will:
- Reduce belt wear
- Reduce belt heat
- Reduce Chatter
- Smoother shifting for added acceleration
- Self align for perfect alignment
Shared shipping only $24.99 in the lower 48 states.
ecs 11-22-22
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